I have been a Michigan fan ever since i was a kid. lloyd carr was not doing so great so they fired him and hired rich rodriguez. naturally i was excited and thought that the new coach would bring out a powerhouse football team. i was wrong not only do i dislike rich but so does all of the other football coaches at michigan. this year has been a huge dissapointment, michigan has lost 5 games and only won 2. they are rated 8th out of 11 teams in the big ten. at the beginning of the season sam mcguffie a running back was recruited he was amazing during highschool but this year he has not been doing so well and i think it is because of his team. i feel bad for him because i feel like he could be an all-star player. also after watching the games i feel like the michigan team looks slow. they definetly do not look as fast as they were 2 years ago when they had mike hart, chad henne, braylon edwards, and lamar woodley. i have deemed this year to be a failure for the wolverines and i cant help but to look forward to next season where they are recruiting a new quarterback who is supposed to be amazing.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Michigan Big Stink
I have been a Michigan fan ever since i was a kid. lloyd carr was not doing so great so they fired him and hired rich rodriguez. naturally i was excited and thought that the new coach would bring out a powerhouse football team. i was wrong not only do i dislike rich but so does all of the other football coaches at michigan. this year has been a huge dissapointment, michigan has lost 5 games and only won 2. they are rated 8th out of 11 teams in the big ten. at the beginning of the season sam mcguffie a running back was recruited he was amazing during highschool but this year he has not been doing so well and i think it is because of his team. i feel bad for him because i feel like he could be an all-star player. also after watching the games i feel like the michigan team looks slow. they definetly do not look as fast as they were 2 years ago when they had mike hart, chad henne, braylon edwards, and lamar woodley. i have deemed this year to be a failure for the wolverines and i cant help but to look forward to next season where they are recruiting a new quarterback who is supposed to be amazing.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This post might seen boring to some and others can call me a nerd, but i dont care. Video games. i enjoy them immensly. i am not just a guy that plays sports games i play the good ones. i was talking to a friend of mine about a new game that was coming out. he said it was going to be sweet and he couldnt wait to buy it for 60 bucks. i had heard of the game and i thought it was going to be horrible. i even guessed the correct score it recieved out of 10 correctly a 7.5. i read some reviews and told him that the game was going to suck and he shouldnt get it. he retaliated back at me saying that it was my opinion that the game was bad. i brought up the fact that it got bad reviews from profesional gamers who rate games for a living and still he told me it did not matter because all of those reviews are just opinions, and that he thought the game was good even though it was horrible. he would not even budge to agree with the professionals the littlest bit. i then asked him do you agree with the grammys and that the movie that wins best picture could be horrible in another persons eyes. he said yes because it is their own opinion and the movie that won the award is an opinion from a bunch of people. i guess what i am trying to say is since everything is an opinion then are all award seremonies fair? just because the profesionals think something, doesnt mean the rest of the public does. how is it fair then that different video games can win awards when the average joe did not like it?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Grizzly Man meet Kayake Man
Over the weekend i watched a television show called Solo Lost At Sea on the National Geographic Channel. as i started watching the program i was able to connect the show to Grizzly Man and Into the Wild. the show was about a man named Andrew McAuley who craved adventure. he rock climbed in deserts, climbed mountains, but one of his biggest passions was kayaking. his big plan was to kayake from tasmania to new zealand by going across the tasman sea. not only would he be at sea for over a month to reach his destination but the tasman sea is a very dangerous and trecherous. at times during storms waves can get as high as 39 feet. he knew there was a huge possiblity that he could die while trying to complete this task and yet he went ahead with it,leaving his wife and young son to nervously wait for andrews arrival at the end of his trip. ultimitely the andrew died about 75 kilometers away from land. i felt that this connected to Grizzley Man and Into The Wild in the sense that all of the main characters left people they loved in order to do what they loved, which was dangerous. they knew they had a possiblity of dying but they had a passion. they went into dangerous situations and ended up dying. some people called timothy treadwell "crazy" but this is where i disagree with a connection to andrew. i feel that he was not crazy but instead selfish, i dont feel bad for him dying, i feel bad that he left his son to grow up without a father and a wife that cant sleep at night because she is tramatized from the situation.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Unkown Ocean
As i was flipping through channels while watching tv, i stopped at my favorite station. the Discovery Channel. the show that was playing was about a collosal squid. i have wanted to be a marine biologsit since i was a kid so natural i took notice. the squid happened to be about 20 feet long and had am eye with a diameter of 10 inches. these animals are very rare and only one living has ever been caught on camera. this amazed me. i guess my point is not just about a squid but instead about the unknown. the ocean is huge and home to many different types of living organisms. but as human i dont believe that we have even gotten close to classifying the different types of animals that reside in the deep. for all we know these colassal squids could be very common in an area but we may never discover this because the ocean is so vast. i feel that we as humans should be discovering these areas and finding out new groundbreaking information everyday because since the earth has so much more water then land, who knows maybe some day we will be trying to live at the bottom of the ocean instead of mars. on a different note i have also become very interested in the Challenger deep. this is the deepest spot in the ocean. the trench goes down 7 miles. right now it would be impossible to travel to these depths because of the pressure but i feel that once we get the the technology to go down there we will see a different world. for all we know there could be 100 ft. squids and animals that resemble those of prehistoric times. and maybe living down there could be the gigantic megladon shark that is said to be extinct andt would consider even the great white shark to be a bite size snack.
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