Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The End is Near!

Yes the end of the school year is almost here and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But the problem is that as we get closer to the end of the year i begin to go into hibernation from school. seeing all of the seniors be done and them saying how good it feels to not have finals or worry about highschool anymore has kind of been burned into my brain and i feel that as i get closer to finals i am starting to become a senior among juniors. And this is a problem because i have borderline grades in almost all my classes. According to a comment by Adam the Great on Gordie's blog post he said that east coast schools have a rule that if you have an A in a class then you dont have to take the final of that class. i wish this happened at New Trier because people that get A's in classes obviously have worked hard in the class all year and they deserve to take a break at the end of the year. basically i dont like finals and i want to be a senior so i can wreak havoc on the fresh meat(sophomores).

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