Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

It is now the year 2009 and it should be a good one. Whether it is a new president in office or the superbowl i am excited to see what happens. And along with the new year comes resolutions. People always say they are going to acheive their resolution, and it never happens. For instance lets say a person's resolution is to do better in school. They come to school fresh off of break put their papers into new binders, organize the desk they should be doing their homework at night but never do and go into see their teachers more often. This happens for about a week and then it is bye bye to the resolution. They get home from school one day and sit down to do their homework at the desk they cleaned and of course they say to themselves, whatever i can do this later tonight. When later that night comes they say again, whatever i can just do it tomorrow during a free period. And just like that they are back to their normal selves. I think that new years resolutions are very hard to keep and i applaud that people that do follow through on them. But for me i have decided to take this year off on a resolution, i want to keep my mind free and not be worried if i break my resolution.

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