Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teach For America Part II

A long time ago i made a blog post about my brother and what he is doing in teach for america and how different inner city schools are from New Trier. This is just going to be a follow-up post on how the rest of the year went for him. First of all there are just a couple stories from my brother about how much different it is to teach at a school that is not as lucious as NT. He got punched in the face by one of his students, his computer was stolen, there have been many gang fights in the school, and yes a student even told him that he was going to send a hit out on my brother for calling his mother about his grade. I dont believe that any of this has ever happened at NT and people at our school should be thankfull for how good we have it. i know my brother,altough his job has its days, he has gotten alot of character and can use this experience to better his own life and recognize how hard some people have it. Even though the odds for being choosen to teach for america are extremely slim i would like to be apart of the program after college because knowing now what my brother knows i want to help out and maybe spread the way New Trier is to other schools that are not as lucky.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I think your bro mos def learned a lot about himself during this program. It is good that he went outside of his comfort zone and took on a challenge. Programs like Teach For America are great for young adults and adolescents. It is important they have experience testing the waters and pushing the boundaries meaning finding themselves in social and economic scenarios they are not used to. I think too many NT students just sit around day to day without taking risks or pushing the boundaries. I commend your bro, though I am still going to wreck you the first day of football summer school.